Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Sometimes I check the traffic to my blog to see what people are reading and how often. Today I saw that THIS post that I wrote about adoption has been a big hit lately. I don't think that I finished writing like I said that I would. But I just now felt inspired to write more. Stay tuned...

Nothing awesome

Nothing really awesome happening these days. Just work and school. I can't believe that it's the end of the semester already! I am being lazy and not putting that much thought into my assignments anymore. Terrible, I know!

Documentary has slowly become my LEAST favorite class. Which is sad because I was so excited about it. Remember? I am glad that I took the class though because it has taught me a lot about my personality and what kind of photographer I am. Some photographers were just born to be journalists and others were born to be artists. Pretty sure that I am the latter....

Anyway, look at my most recent pieces for Photoshop. Nothing fancy. The second one sucks. But whatever. I am too tired to be creative and awesome these days.

I like this one.

Blah! I did a crappy Photoshop job on it! Oh well.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Turner Family!

Today I took family pictures for Tyler's lovely sister Lindsey. It was freezing! But they were awesome!

I always get a little nervous before I do a shoot for someone other than myself, even more so if I am shooting for the people that I love! I always feel as though the ones that I love and care about deserve nothing but the best. And I strive to give them that and more! At the end of the day I just hope that they are happy with the pictures that I have taken for them. If not... well that's a perk of being family or close friends, I am willing to re-shoot!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Tyler Stillwell Gray

Today I thought to myself, "I feel good." And then I thought that maybe, just maybe, that was a gift....

It's been 7 years and Tyler is still so loved and in the hearts of many. For some reason I think that he is doing wonderfully wherever he is.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

My photo assignments this semester!

These are not in order at all. But the best ones are obviously the most recent. Ha. There are some assignments that I haven't posted because I can't find them or they really suck. Anyway, I have learned a lot this semester!

Photoshop (
My least favorite class! Seriously, I could just hire someone to do this crap for me.):

Composite #2 with text

Composite #1

Color adjust. I changed the color of her lips and made a flower orange.

Headswap. Audrey on the far left went from weird eyed frizzy girl to somber.


Portrait adjust. Cleaned up Hayley's face and changed her jaw line!


Light painting #2 with flash.

Light painting #2 with flash.

Light painting #1 without flash.

Colors gels #2

Still Life #1

Still life #2

Color gels #1


Meet a stranger

Environmental Photo series
