Tuesday, December 07, 2004

I hate myself and you and I want to die!

I just don't care anymore. I am so fucking sick and tired of everyone telling me things get better and to have a positive attitude. I am sick and tired of people telling me they know how I feel when in reality they have no clue. I am sick and tired of people thinking that they can save me from this grief. I am sick and tired of people thinking that they can share their past grief with me and that somehow that makes me feel less alone. I am just fucking sick of it all.

YOU HAVE NO RIGHT! You have no idea how I feel or what I am going through. Yes, I am aware of the fact that I am choosing to be self-destructive. I am doing this my way. Maybe it's not healthy but I just don't care enough anymore. You don't know the details of my life. You really don't know anything about me. And the pieces that you have seen in me are nothing. I am not the person you think I am. My life has been an endless storm of tragedies and sorrows. Sometimes I wish I could just put it all out there for you to see but I don't know you and I simply don't care to share those secrets anyway. Those of you that TRULY know me don't have to ask or question or judge. It's so easy for you to tell me things get better but it never really does, does it?! It's all a lie. One blow after the other. There is only so much a person can take before they throw up their hands and say FUCK IT! I've reached that point.

I just want to fucking die. Goodbye and fuck you.

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