Another blog. One, two, three, four. Each contain pieces of me. Some I hope no one I know discover.
I'm sitting here drinking beer from a can with Legends Of The Fall as background noise. I love and hate this movie. It reminds me of Tyler. I hate this beer. Why am I drinking so much these days? A mamosa with dinner, a couple of beers this evening. Drinks this week. Drinks last week. More alcohol than I let on. It scares me. I remember how I use to be. The alcoholic in me is waking up. The "B Girl" is going dormant... for now. At least until I get my hands on some new dp.
I want what I can't have. I fear I am more like my father than I'd like to admit. Shit, the world is in big time trouble if that is true.
This is better than drunk dialing. It's drunk blogging.